Thursday, February 6, 2014

Waiting for Opportunity's Knock!

    There's an old saying. "Opportunity knocks
just once."
     If it did yesterday........ I never heard!
     I thought they said 3 to 6 inches of snow
was expected in my neighborhood. But I must
have heard them wrong. I guess I was suppose
to add the 3 and the 6!
     Back in Hazleton a lifetime ago such a
snowfall would have been filled with opportunity!
Both for fun and for profit!
      There was sledding to be done. Snow forts to
be built. Snowmen to be formed. Snowball battles
to be won...or lost. And, there was money to be
       Neighbors, who were then at the age I am
now, welcomed my knock on their door and my
question..."Need any shoveling done?" I didn't
get too many "No's."
        How I wished somebody, anybody, would
have come knocking on my door with that question!
        Since there were none I tackled the job myself.
        I cleared an area in front of our cars even
though we had no intention of going anywhere. I
probably moved an extra ton or so by the time I
realized I was half way into the street. You couldn't
really tell because the plow hadn't come by.
        It did show up a little later. Just about the time
I thought I was done. Then, of course, I had to
re-shovel the pile the plow left in front of my place.
        It only took about an hour and a half to clear
the area I had to clear. Then another 6 to 8 hours
to let my body begin to recover. I'll probably be OK
by the time the next storm rolls through. Probably.
        Some young people finally did show up.
 But they were just passing by on their ATV's! Little
did they know the opportunity they missed!
        Hope somebody knocked on your door to offer
their services and that all your NEWS is good!


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