There they stood.
They wore black leather.
They had patches on their vests.
Some even had tattoos!
No doubt about it. These guys
and gals were Bikers!
But it wasn't "Hells Angels" that
had taken over our Church Hall.
Quite the contrary! These folks
could be called 'Heaven's Angels!"
They are members of the
Christian Motorcycle Association.
And they were holding their
annual Spaghetti Dinner to raise
funds for their various projects.
Those projects involve
spreading the word of God throughout
the world in a number of ways.
One of the most unique involves
providing transportation for preachers
and missionaries in some of the most
remote areas of our planet.
It may be a motorcycle. Or a bike.
Maybe ever a horse or donkey. Whatever
it takes to get the message to the people
who need to hear it.
We always attend the dinner. It's
great to support the cause.....and chow
down on spaghetti, meatballs, garlic
bread, salad, and a great dessert!
I'd like to join them on one of their
rides...but they generally laugh when I
make that suggestion. I think it may have
something to do with the fact my "cycle"
is a 1971 90cc Honda Street/Trail bike.
It's maximum speed is about 45mph
IF you haven't eaten spaghetti.
OK, laugh if you will guys. But it
rained yesterday and I didn't see any
Harleys out there in the parking lot!!!!
Hope you'll support the CMA in
whatever way you can so their NEWS,
and yours, is good!
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