Batman fans will want to know that I had
a run in with "Mr. Freeze" yesterday!
I've had a few bouts with skin cancer over
the years. One, extremely severe many years
ago, convinced me that regular yearly visits
to a Dermatologist would be a good idea.
Every so often he identifies a spot here
or there that needs some treatment to head
off problems.
And that "treatment" is made up of a spray
of liquid nitrogen! It's the stuff Mr. Freeze
used in all those Batman stories!
This is an interesting chemical!
It can be used to make ice cream.
It can be used in place of a red hot iron to
brand animals!
Stick a rose in a bowel of this and you'll
pull out an ice cube shaped like a rose!
In theory, it can be used to freeze your
body when you pass away so you can be
revived in future years when there's a cure
for whatever killed you! Well, the freezing
part isn't theory. Just the reviving part! I'll
probably want to wait till they get that
part perfected!
In my case the Doc just sprayed a spot
or two.
The stuff is so cold it causes instant
frostbite on living tissue. But that's the
whole idea when the targeted tissue is the
suspected problem.
I probably could have avoided the
whole treatment if I just went out
without a hat anytime last month!
Anyhow Mr. Freeze, that is my Doctor,
says I'm good for another year or 100,000
miles. Whichever comes first.
Holy Moly Batman!!!!
Hope you've got your Sunscreen ready
and that all your NEWS is good!

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