Welcome to National Pet Day!!
This unofficial "holiday" was
founded in 2005 by Colleen Paige
who also founded National Dog Day,
National Puppy Day, and National
Cat Day (among others).
I never had a pet when I was a
kid. Well not exactly.
I do remember my Dad rejecting
my pleas for one of those little
chicks that came with every 5 gallons
of gas every year around Easter.
I vaguely remember having one
or maybe two of those little turtles
that sometimes came with something
painted on their shell. You know. Like
"Cuff and Link." The ones Rockey
Balboa had.
Turtles are suppose to live a long
time. But mine apparently didn't know
that. They were both buried during
brief ceremonies held on a small plot
of dirt just outside my back door not
too very long after I got them.
I never wanted a pet while my
wife and I were raising our family.
We liked to go camping and travel
when ever we could and dragging a
pet along seldom fit that lifestyle.
Around the time I retired my wife
decided we ought to have some Fish.
That was just fine with me! I
love fish! Usually served with a little
Of course she was thinking of the
kind you keep in an aquarium.
Next we learned of a lady who was
moving and would only be allowed to
keep either her dog or her Cockatiel.
My wife was asked if we might
adopt the bird and,though I initially
questioned the move,I have learned
it's good to have someone in the
house that listens to me...and talks...
but very little!
We've become accustomed to these
critters now. They eat very little and
don't have to be taken for walks.
We do have to change the newspaper
in the Birdcage. The fish don't seem to
be a problem in that regard.
A few neighbors must think we're
missing something as they allow
the two dozen or so cats they feed to
visit our yard every day.
I wonder if you're allowed to own
a wolf?
Hope you and your pet enjoy the
holiday and that all your NEWS is
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