Today marks the 50th anniversary of the
Ford Mustang!
I had one, brand new, back in 1968!
I kind of had to get another car back
I was getting married in 1969.
My wife to be loved me. But she
was not terribly fond of my Chevy
Impala convertible. I think it had
something to do with the color. It was
So I went shopping and found my
Mustang waiting for me in the
showroom window of a dealership
in Kingston.
I think the price was around
$2,600! (And that even included a
full size spar tire!)
We got a lot of good miles out of
that beauty.
I especially remember taking my
wife and daughter, who was not yet
two years old, on a drive to Niagara Falls
to buy home made donuts from some folks
who sold out of the kitchen of their house.
Then we turned around and headed
back home! All in one day!
And there were no such things as
Child safety seats back then!
Of course there was a rather large
bag of donuts separating Mom and
child from the dashboard!
I just found some 8mm movies I
shot during that unforgettable trip.
Eventually the Mustang made way
for what became a series of other
vehicles over the years.
But I often look back with fond
memories of the car. And I wouldn't
mind having it today!
I found one, in terrible shape, on
line last night. They were asking
$21,000! Think I'll have to pass.
But it I did have one I'd probably
want to head out towards Niagara Falls
to see if anybody ever took over that old
donut making operation.
Like the Mustang, they just don't
make them like they used to!
Hope I get another some day, or at
least a home made donut, and that all
your NEWS is good!
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