Sunday, December 25, 2016


               ONE LAST TIME!

      There was a time when I, in my early
20's, spent several Christmas Eve's alone.
       My Dad was on the road traveling
across the country with Broadway road
shows as a stage technician and my Mom
went along.
        On Christmas Day I'd awake to an
empty house. It would still be a great day.
My brother and his family always made me
a part of their Christmas celebration at their
         After I married I was determined to
have my house filled with family to enjoy
          We raised our three children in the
same mobile home we bought just before
we married. We did add a bedroom and
a front porch and there was plenty of room
for all of us!
          Over the years, however, the family
has grown. Each of our kids married. And
each of them have two children of their own.
So the living room that provided adequate
space for the five of us has been the setting
for Christmas Eve's with a growing number
of people each year.
          One of my daughter's added an
exchange student this year so we crammed
15 into that living room this Christmas Eve.
            We managed just fine for the most
part. But realizing that some have become a
little uncomfortable being squeezed in, we
have decided to move the gathering to
another venue next year.
             I know I'll enjoy myself just as
much as long as the family is together.
But I suspect my place will seem just a
little empty when me wife and I return
from the gathering. There's something
really wonderful about jamming a lot of
love into a little space!
              Hope you all have a Merry
Christmas and that all your NEWS is


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