Tuesday, January 10, 2017


                    LAST LIGHTS!

      I drove my wife to a doctor's appointment
Tuesday. Just a brief time away from home
before those light flurries started.
      My wife elected to stay outside for a
moment when we got home to make sure the
cat we've heard the last couple nights wasn't
trying to find a way under our house.
       After awhile though, I glanced outside
to check on her progress. I found her wrapping
up the Christmas lights from the bushes in front
of our place. I think the "cats thing" was a ruse!
       Next thing I knew 96% of our indoor
decorations were packed in boxes waiting some
help to be carried to storage.
        And then, the worse cut of all. She handed
me the remote control outlet with which I've
been lighting our small tree each and every
morning. The last lights had shined for this
        However, needing to maintain some
color, and recognizing the fact that my week
long illness pretty much made me useless for
this or any other cleanup, I have replaced the
red bulbs and decorations on our tree with a
dozen red roses for my wife to enjoy for all
her hard work.
         Hope all your NEWS is good!

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