Sunday, January 15, 2017


     MONDAY, JANUARY 16TH., 2016

     Many of you are off from work or school
today to celebrate the memory of Dr. Martin
Luther King. His commitment to the civil
rights movement is reason enough to honor
his memory. Although it is not his actual
birthday! That is January 15th. In order to
conform to the National holiday law it's
celebrated on the third Monday of January,
So, of course, the date varies.
       There are, however, several other
observances that fall on this date. They
include the National Day of Service, Civil
Service Day, and Religious Freedom Day.
       But the one that's perhaps least know
has sparked my interest. You see January
16th is also "National Fig Newton Day!"
         It is dedicated to Fig Newtons –
cookies filled with fig paste that are a
trademarked version of the fig roll
manufactured by Nabisco. I always liked
these tasty snacks!
        Contrary to what some believe, they
are not named after English physicist Sir
 Isaac Newton. I don't believe he even has
a day named after him. Fig Newtons were
named after the town of Newton, Massachusetts.
        Maybe we could link two major
holidays by changing their name to King
        Anyway I just thought you should know
there's plenty of reason to celebrate today!
Hope all your Newtons......I mean...News...
is good!   

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