Thursday, January 12, 2017


     FRIDAY, JANUARY 13TH., 2017
           OH THE DOO DAH DAY!

    Welcome to the first Friday the 13th., of
2017. Enjoy it. There are two this year. The
next is in October.
     Some people consider the 13th to be
unlucky. I guess it was for today's honoree.
Stephen Foster passed away on January 13th
of 1864. In 1967 the day became an official
United States Federal Observance Day. Not
a day off. Just a day to "observe."
     For the handful of you who don't
immediately recognize the name, Stephen
Foster is generally considered the "Father
of American Music."
     If it weren't for him I couldn't play
"Oh Susanna" on my harmonica!  He also
wrote tunes like "My Old Kentucky Home,"
"Old Black Joe," and "Beautiful Dreamer."
So far I can only play "Oh Susanna."
      Turns out he's a fellow Pennsylvanian!
Born in Lawrenceville there was a time
when he called Towanda, in the Endless
Mountains,his home.
       That's where he wrote another of his
hits....."Camptown Races", based on a
horserace in nearby Camptown. They still
have a race there every year. But these days
it's a race for runners, not horses.
        So if this Friday the 13th has you
feeling down perhaps it's time to whistle
a happy tune like Camptown Races, or
Oh Susanna, courtesy of Stephen Foster!
        Hope it helps and that all your NEWS
is good!

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