It was all there. Family, friends, food, and fun!
A perfect receipt for a Culinary Arts student's
Graduation Party! What a place to find good eats!
The graduate, in this case, was my Great Niece.
To be honest she and her Mom, and Dad, have
been cooking up tasty treats long before she ever
went to college for an official course in the art!
One look at the buffet suggested this gal
passed with flying colors! Of course Mom gets an
assist for the party meal!
I got to thinking about how much has
changed in graduations since the time I, somehow,
made it through school. To be fair, in my case, it
was just High School. I never went to college. But
I did teach in two of them!
The celebration at my niece's house included
the afore mentioned food, some appropriate "cap and
gown" decorations, and a swimming pool that
attracted most of the well wishers in the blazing
heat of the day.
My Graduation was, appropriately, on "D-Day".
June 6th., 1960. That seemed just right since I had
to battle my way through school.
We had specific instructions to follow at the
ceremonies. Most of them were designed to encourage
(in fact insist) on good behavior!
They didn't have to worry about me! I was
not taking any chances they'd change their minds!
So I followed all the rules, wore my tassel on the
left as required and marched, in order, until they
called my name. It was a long ceremony because
there were over 400 students in my class.
All that pomp and circumstance and I
didn't even get my diploma! Those were handed out
back at the school. But only after we gave our cap
and gowns back! Guess somebody thought we
would be wearing them to dinner or on dates!
After that most students probably headed
to parties similar to that held for my great niece.
Me? I breathed a sigh of relief and headed
straight for the movies. Conquering the world
would have to wait at least one more day!
Hope you'll "remember always, Graduation
Day,.....and that all of your NEWS is good!

Me, June 1960
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