I like Softball!
I like Chess!
I even enjoy Shuffleboard!
I hate cards!
I have yet to meet a card game I like.
That said I have allowed myself to be
talked into playing cards with my wife
and my grandson....the instigator!
My grandson likes cards. Specifically
a game called "Lier."
In this 52 card game of torture the
cards are dealt to three players. Immediately
I should have realized that 52 cards cannot
be divided evenly among three players.
Since the object of the game is to get
rid of all your cards somebody, probably
me, begins with a larger hand than the
The person holding the Ace of Spades
puts that card down first. He or she can put
other aces...or what they claim are other
aces down as well. You can accept their
claim or call them a Lier. Do that and the
cards become yours if you're wrong.
Each player then follows in order
beginning with 2's, then 3's, and so forth.
You can put down the wrong card
then call "Peanut Butter" after the next
player goes, if you're lied.
If this game even makes it to Vegas my
Grandson will not be permitted in any of
the Casinos!
He must be using some sort of card
counting system because he always wins.
Or, just as accurately, I always lose!
One can only be a good loser for so
long! I have passed that stage. I know
when to fold them....and it's now!
When my Grandson was just a little
tyke I'd see to it that he won the games we
played every so often!
You'd think he'd return the favor.
Guess I'm just too darn honest to win
this game!
Hope you're getting a good deal and
that all your NEWS is good! (And that's
no lie!)
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