Sunday, July 13, 2014

How I Survived The Batle Of Wyoming!

   What's going on here! I thought the
Battle of Wyoming was fought way back
in 1778! They have a big ceremony every
year at the Wyoming Monument!
    But yesterday I came across a big
contingent of British Loyalists and some
Iroquois Indians who said they were
fighting the battle all over again!
    There were hundreds of tents in the
field. There were women and even
children "camp followers" getting ready
for the fight!
    There were Red Coats! Lots of Red
Coats. And the next thing I knew they
were in the field shooting at a big group
of American Patriots!
    I was pretty impressed. Especially
when I saw those camp followers
preparing the evening meal! I saw a
big skillet filled with sausage and peppers!
They were cooking it over an open fire.
    I was just about ready to enlist! I
didn't even care what side!
    Then I found out a lot of the men were
heading into the field with their muskets
all ready for action.
    I saw them lined up in straight lines
and I saw the smoke from the musket
    I was ready for the battle too!
    I pulled out my white handkerchief
and waved it high in the air!
   That's when I found out the whole
thing was a reenactment!
    All these folks moved into the Mount
Cobb area to recreate the Battle of
Wyoming throughout this weekend.
    They've got period uniforms and
civilian garb, they live, for two days,
as the soldiers, volunteers, and
civilians lived in 1778 (except for
the Porta Potties....I don't believe they
had those back then!)
     The Patriots lost the original
Battle of Wyoming. The way I heard
it they'll lost again in today's battle.
      Of course, ultimately, the Patriots
won the war. They probably didn't
have too many guys with white
      Hope both sides remember to
remove the musket balls...and that
all your NEWS is good!

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