Saturday, June 4, 2016


   SUNDAY, JUNE 5TH., 2016
        OUT TO LAUNCH!

      My fleet has been depleted
over the years. Once I had three
boats...all at the same time!
      I had a pontoon boat that
served more as a dock then a
vessel. A tiny paddle boat
that was a bit too small for my
long legs. And the 8 foot long
Jon boat I received as a
Christmas present many years
ago. As a tribute to the "The
Waltons" TV show I call it "Jon
Buoy."  It's the last of my boats.
      Yesterday we decided to
take it to Francis Slocum State
Park where we rented a slip for the
       First we had to get it
unchained from my back steps
where if safely spent the winter.
I tried the combination lock
several times without success.
I even brought out the WD40
hoping it would help. It did
      My wife asked for a turn.
But after passing along the
combination to her the lock
remained sealed.
      When questioned about
that combination I reminded
my wife I kept those numbers
on a typed sheet to make sure
they would be remembered!!
       We were starting to think
about getting the bolt cutters
out when my wife asked to
see that typed sheet. Much to
her chagrin I produced it
       Much to my chagrin the
numbers I had rattled off by
memory didn't match those
I had written down! But I was
only off by two!
       Guess what? The numbers
on the sheet worked and, with
the help of my niece's husband
we hauled the boat to the lake
and rowed it to my rented site.
      I know the number of the
boat slip! I'm sure of it!
      Hope I'm right and that all
your NEWS is good!


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