Saturday, June 11, 2016


     SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH., 2016

      As anyone who has ever seen
"Fiddler on the Roof" knows,
tradition is very important to a
      On Saturday our family, most
of them anyway, continued a
family tradition that, as far as my
involvement is concerned, dates
back to 1945!
       We headed for a week's
vacation in Wildwood, New
       My memories there date back
to a day when I was allowed to
blow the car horn over and over and
a big plate of spaghetti was placed
in front of me, Far more that I could
ever consume!
         I now know that was VJ Day.
The end of World War II. My family
and I have been coming most years
ever since. I missed a few in my early
working days, But the tradition
resumed as soon as we were able to
get everybody together again.
        This year my newest grandson
enjoys his first visit. He's only 10-months-
old so he may not remember this "first."
But photos and family will remind him
through the years.
          It's a special joy to see a new
generation involved in a tradition they
will, hopefully, carry on!
          He's already taken note of the
"Watch the Tram Car alert." And
before week's end I expect him to know
there's a "Curly Fries' just a few blocks
from our apartment!
         My blogs may be scattered this
week as we enjoy him, the rest of the
family and the shore.
         My many thanks to Karl for
moving in to our place to house sit
while we're away for a couple days.
         Hope my grandson enjoys his
first taste of Wildwood (which included
pizza) and that all your NEWS is good!


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