Tuesday, June 7, 2016


       OVER (to) THE RAINBOW!

     A few years ago my wife and I made
a road trip to Watkin's Glen, New York.
Once there we drove north on Route 14
which runs along the hillside on the
west side of Seneca Lake. But we
wondered if there might be a road that
actually ran along the lake itself. There
is not.
      But while searching for one we
stumbled across a beautiful, but small,
motel and restaurant called Rainbow
Cove that does, indeed, sit right at the
edge of the lake. We wanted to book a
room. But the place was filled. So, the
following year, we called ahead and
reserved a room.
       Two of our friends came to visit
and we all booked ahead for the next
year. A year later a third couple
joined us. And two other friends
came the year after that!
       It looked like it was to be an
annual reunion!
       But other commitments caught
up with our gang and only one of
our couples made it last year.
       It was the same story this year
when my best friend and his wife
were the only one from our original
troop who made it to Rainbow
      My friend called the other day
to ask if we'd consider a visit while
he was there. He sounded very
disappointed when I told him the
weather didn't look great and we
were having some work done
around the house and might require
us to stick around.
      Two hours after I gave him that
"bad news" the sky cleared and the
work team at our place said they
didn't need us! So, I called back to
tell my buddy we'd be on our way!
     Yesterday afternoon we linked
up it was like old times, if only for
a few hours! We relaxed and
chatted, enjoyed the scenery, and
dinner at the restaurant operated
by people who have, themselves,
become friends!
       I don't know if all or some of
our original group will get together
at Rainbow Cove again. But after
our brief visit my wife and I will
certainly be trying to fit a couple
days into our schedule.
       And, as long as we were in
the area, I felt compelled to stop
at our favorite winery for a couple
bottles of Niagara! Just my
contribution to the local economy!
        There may be "No place like
home." But Rainbow Cove, with
friends, is pretty close!
         Hope we all go back soon
and that all your NEWS is good!


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