Thursday, August 11, 2016



     I had to have my picture taken this
week. After all these years in TV that's
should be no big deal. But I did fuss a
little over this one.
      You see this was my year to get a
new Photo ID Driver's License. They
only take one every four years. So I
wanted it to be a good one. Or, at least,
as good as I good get given the subject.
       My wife and I had gone to a
doctor's appointment and I had it in
my mind to go back to the house to
get a shirt, tie, and jacket.
       My wife reminded me that I am
technically retired even though I
still do my weekly TV show. She
said "casual" was the way to go so
I gave in and we headed to the
PennDot License Center.
       For those who haven't been
there lately it's set up a little like
your old neighborhood bakery.
You take a number and wait for
your turn.
       Since the place seemed pretty
full I took the opportunity to go
to the men's room. If I didn't have
a tie at least I could comb my hair.
       As luck would have it my wife
was waving to me just as I walked
out of the door. They had just called
my number and within seconds I
was seated in a chair, told to smile
and show a new photo for my
approval. It didn't look as much like
Brad Pitt as I envision myself. But
everybody else thought it looked
just like me.
       I was thinking, too bad they
don't have photo shop. They could
have added a tie and jacket. And
maybe just a bit more Brad Pitt.
      Oh well, as long as it's good
enough for the officers who'll be
pulling me over I suppose it's OK!
      Hope they recognize me and
that all your NEWS is good!

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