Monday, May 29, 2017


     TUESDAY, MAY 30TH.,2017
           A LONG WEEK!

     It may be only seven days. But
it's been a long week!
     My wife entered the University
of Pennsylvania Hospital in
Philadelphia last Tuesday for open
heart surgery.
     Those eight hours on the
operating table were the longest
part of the week for those of us
waiting for the results!
      Her next stop was in Cardiac
Intensive Care. We expected that
to be her home for a day or two.
It turned out to be five days!
      She was finally moved into a
room where they wasted no time
getting her to walk around and
take on solid food.
       I came home for a couple
days of R&R and was surprised
to hear of my wife's progress when
I checked in with my daughter who
stayed with her during the holiday
      It's likely she'll be released
to continue her rehabilitation at
home by the end of the week,
      Hope this week goes faster
and that all her, and your, NEWS
is good!

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