Sunday, November 27, 2016



       The Thanksgiving meal was
fantastic. The left overs were great.
Now it's time to eat! And I know
just the place!
        For the past 64 years the folks
at the Unityville Volunteer Fire
Department have prepared their
Buckwheat Pancake and Sausage
Dinner (or Breakfast) on the holiday
weekend following Thanksgiving.
         From Midnight on the holiday
till Midnight the following Sunday
their Fire Hall is turned into a
dinning room while the volunteers
serve up a family style that's hard
to beat.
         Besides the pancakes and
sausage with their special meat
made to order, they offer potatoes,
baked beans and gravy.
          My family and I have become
regulars. But there are plenty of
those. I love the meal. And I'm
always impressed by the firemen,
their wives, sons, and daughters
who all volunteer their time and
talents to raise the money needed
to keep this vital fire company
          As I said, the pancakes and
sausage come family style. So as
long as you're sitting there the food
just keeps coming. I didn't want to
hurt the chefs I just
kept eating.
          I only left as a public service
gesture to make room for the others
who kept coming through the door.
          If you haven't visited you owe
it to yourself to go. Take Route 118
west past Ricket's Glen State Park
and the turn to Eagle's Mere. A few
miles more and you'll see the left
turn to Unityville. Follow the road
for about a mile or so and you'll
see the firehouse on the left.
         If you're reading this anytime
before 10pm you've got plenty of
time. And, who knows, you may
even see me. I'm thinking of going
back for more!
          Hope their supplies hold out
and that all your NEWS is good!


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