Sunday, November 20, 2016


              SNOW WHAT?

    Seems like somebody in the midwest
left a door open mid way through
Saturday and winter walked into the
     It was warm enough in the morning
to put the top down in my sports car.
Thankfully I didn't. I would have been
frozen by the time I came home.
    Worse than that all the weather guys
were predicting our first snow of the
season. My part of the area was suppose
to get about an inch.
     Sure enough that inch came.
Unfortunately it was buried under 5
other inches that fell on top of it!
     Of course even the thought of
just an inch was enough to touch off
the first seasonal attack of customers
for bread and milk.
     Our own supply of bread is a
little light and we found ourselves
down to about a quarter bottle of
milk. Fortunately we had attended
the open house and tent sale at
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates before
the snow started so we have enough
candy to hold us through mid
      We may decide to ration our
chocolate based on the possibility
we may see more snow sometime
this winter. Or, I may just decide
to take a chance and load up on
the calories for energy against the
      Hope you survived....and
that all your NEWS is good!

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