A rainy Wednesday forced us to move
the walk with our grandson indoors. And so
for the second time in as many weeks we
found ourselves at the Mall!
It's amazing how many things changed
in that short time! Most noticeable were
the preparations for Christmas!
I know. I know. Christmas decorations
started to show up in a lot of stores just in
time for Halloween.
But I'm not talking about decorations!
I mean the serious stuff. The real proof it
is coming!
Mid way through the main walkway
they've set up a fence inside of which
there's a giant sleigh flanked by 6-foot
tall Reindeer and chests full of presents.
Very soon Santa will man that sleigh and
parents and grandparents will be shelling
our a few bucks to get the kids picture
with the guy whether they (the kids) want
it or not.
Want to ride a rhinoceros? An empty
shop now houses all sorts of mechanized
animal characters designed to lure the
kids in for a few minutes while their
parents go shopping.
Need more evidence? I've got it.
The path between Men's Ware and
Tools in Sears now leads you right
past a huge table on which is displayed
large boxes of Whitman's Samplers
And then there's that seasonal
Kiosk stacked high with Hickory Farm
products. That's especially dangerous
because they offer Summer Sausage
I'm afraid rainy days could get
expensive! Either way, it is coming!"
Hope we'll all be ready and that all
your NEWS is good!
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