Wednesday, May 4, 2016


     THURSDAY, MAY 5TH., 2016

      I spent Wednesday morning in
the hospital. And I wasn't even sick.
My wife was scheduled for some
tests which required us to be up at
6 to be at the hospital for 7.
       Just to be clear, I'm not a big
fan of 6am! There were days when
I was anxious to get up even before
that terrible hour to do a morning
DJ shift. But I was young and
foolish then. Now I'm just foolish.
       In any case after my visit I
am now convinced that hospitals
need more beds! Not for patients!
For those who wait!
       While patients are wheeled
around from one test to another
the 'waiters" sit in a room with
a TV usually tuned to some
"women's show" or try to read
some magazines that tell you how
to lead healthy lives. (A little late
wouldn't you say?).
       As I struggled to keep my
eyes open a young lady just about
ten chairs away lost her battle and
promptly fell into a snoring pattern
that assured the rest of us would
get no rest.
       I was about ready to volunteer
to take my wife's place!
       Hope I can rest today and that
all your NEWS is good!

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