Thursday, May 26, 2016


   FRIDAY, MAY 27TH., 2016

   Let the record show we have been
back from Italy for well over a week!
True, while we were there we and
our group of fellow travelers were
pounding the streets of communities
like Rome, Pisa, and, yes, Florence!
    As we left the city where works
of classical art abound, we meandered
along the Arno river, stopping often
to take pictures of the beautiful
waterway that winds its way through
the ancient city.
    Ironically, in an area where Roman
built aqueducts survive after thousands
of years, water pipes under the streets
built much more recently have not
stranded the test of time.
     On Wednesday, not far from where
we walked, a sink hole opened up
along the river swallowing a mess of
parked cars! Had it happened while
we were there we might well have
been questioned as to just how much
these American tourists had eaten for
lunch! That thought "weighed" on my
mind today. (Get it? Weighed. Sink
hole. K, forget I said anything.)
       Hope they can find some ancient
Roman Engineers to fix the problem for
good....and that all your NEWS is good!

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